Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Farewell BBQ

Again some Picasa blogging.

There was a farewell BBQ for a total of 4 Japanese friends going back to Japan this week. (1 is coming back after one week though :/ )
A record amount of people showed up at the BBQ, this time it was not due to my effort the least bit.
Everyone seemed to have a good time.

I'm not much of a writer so I'll let the pictures do the talking.



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Anonymous said...

I'm the one who will come back to Finland just one week later(^^
I didn't know you started writing new blog again.
Anyway I will bring some "shochu", so let's drink together!!

kasi said...


Yeah I tried to inform as many people as possible that I started blogging again. So how did you find here? Maybe you checked my MSN :)

Shochu is great but howabout Nihonshu? Shochu I could drink at the BBQ :)