Friday, October 05, 2007

Finland in Japan

Few of my findings that bring a tear to my eye in my patriotic self

Marimekko, perhaps mouses sell better than their bags?

Nokia model sold at the time at SoftBank, not really a fan of the design here, too thick for my tastes too. (doesnt seem it would fit Japanese tastes either, Nokia should hire me?)

A tour around the record store, HIM had a big display and was very visible due to their new album, same with Nightiwish (no picture) The bottom right is Golla, the Finnish cellphone case maker.
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Sini said...

Yhel japanilaisel tutul on n73, joten kyl se joidenkin makuun kelpaa ;) itellä kans just toi kuvan pinkki...Olitko sunnuntaina Kamakuras? Pari kaverii oli kans sillo :)

kasi said...

ai nokian hommasit :P

kyl sil ainakin onnistuneen kuvan sain, mitä näin sun blogissa.

Sunnuntaina olin just, ai että tekis mieli ratsastaa aalloilla