Wednesday, August 29, 2007

One more week

One more week and I will be on the plane to Tokyo.

My flight will go through, the oh so lovely France, after which I will fly again over Finland over to Siberia, pointless indeed, but cheaper than a straight flight.

Then I will arrive to Tokyo on an early Thursday morning, 6:30 AM or something.

Ah, exciting times.

Finland has certainly been in a depression this week, cold as hell and not a trace of sunlight.

I changed my banner, the characters in the middle 上京 (jyoukyou) is a convinient word reserved for going to the capital (Tokyo at the moment)


Dragon Ash, a band I like has recently released a new single it seems.
This is not their usual style, but the kind that the masses like, that's what marketing does to ya.

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